(Showing Draft Content)

Manage Draft Approvals

Wyn Enterprise provides draft and approval functions that give users the ability to save a draft version of a document and later submit it for approval. When a user creates or edits a document, the document is saved as a draft. He can then send a publish request to the approver (a user with an administrator, organization administrator, or approver role) who can either approve or reject his draft document. The approved version of the document is available to all the shared roles.

The main usage of this feature is that no data or document is published, or existing published document is changed by the users without being reviewed and approved by the administrator or organization administrator to enhance data security.

Note that these options to create and approve draft documents are only available if the Enable Document Draft option in the Portal Setting is set to True.

Have a look at the sections below that describe the draft and approval workflow. This works for both reports and dashboards in both Document and Resource Portal.

Note: A global approver can view and manage the draft approval requests for any organization. However, an organization approver can only view and manage draft approval requests for his organization.

Create a Draft Document

When a user first creates or edits a document in the Document or Resource portal, the document is saved as a draft. You can find this draft document under the Documents tab of the Drafts section.

Note that only a single copy of the draft document is maintained even if the draft is edited multiple times or multiple users edited the draft.

Created report

Note: A draft document can only be edited, previewed, deleted, or submitted for approval. Other operations like slideshow, open in a new window, duplicate, copy url, etc. are not applicable.

In case you are an administrator or organization administrator, you can directly publish the report by enabling the Publish option in the Save As dialog box. This option is enabled by default.

Save as Dialog

Manage a Draft Document

The options to manage a draft document depend on your level of permission on that document. For example, a role with the view or edit permissions can preview or modify the draft document, respectively.

  • Preview a document: Click the Preview button to preview the draft document.

    Preview button

    Note: Last published version of the document is always previewed on previewing a document from the portal (except the Drafts tab), for which unpublished draft exists.

  • Edit a document: Click the Edit this report button on the top right corner of the portal, or click the More... button and then select the Edit... option from the list, to modify the draft document. Note that the latest modification is considered the final version of the draft document.

    Edit the report

    Note: Whenever you edit a draft document on any portal, always the last draft version of the document is opened (in case an unpublished draft exists for the document).

  • Delete a document: A document owner, an administrator, or an organization administrator can delete a draft document. Once a draft document is deleted, it is gone forever.

    Delete the report

Submit a Draft Publish Request

Click the Submit publish request to create a request for the approver to publish the report. The draft documents waiting for approval are no longer editable.

Submit publish request

The Requests category of the Drafts tab displays the generated request along with the document name, document type, approved status, approved by, and approved date.

Request to publish the draft

Manage a Draft Approval

The approvers (a user with an administrator, organization administrator, or approver role) can see the publish request under the Todos tab of the Draft section. This tab is only visible to the approvers.

Request to publish the draft

The approver can review the draft document by clicking the Preview button and choose to approve or reject the publish request using the Accept document draft or Reject document draft buttons, respectively.

Approve or reject the draft

If the approver accepts the publish request, the document is displayed in the document listing pages of the portal and is no longer available under the Document page of the Drafts tab.

You can check the published design of the document in read-only mode through the Open Published Design... option. This option is also available for the existing documents on the portal.

If a user edits the published document (or an existing document on the portal), the document is re-saved as a draft document. He will need to send a publish request to the approver to approve the changes made in the document.

Saved draft

If the approver rejects the publish request, the draft document will move back to the Documents page of the Drafts tab. In the case of an existing document, the last published version of the document is used, and not the rejected version.

The user can re-edit the draft document, and send the publish request again.

Rejected draft

The document owner can view the publish requests which were either approved or rejected, in the Request History tab of the Draft section.

Request History Tab

The approver can view the submitted requests which were either approved or rejected, in the Todos History tab of the Draft section. The version number of the document reflects the number of edits made to the document. This tab is only visible to the approvers.

Todos History Tab