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Drill Down

Drill Down feature allows users to explore the details of hierarchical data. You can drill-down into the dimensions for granular details and you can also drill-up for summarized information. For example, in a dashboard showing the sales revenue for retailers in various countries, you can drill-down to view the sales revenue filtered by country. You can drill-down further to explore the sales revenue for specific product lines sold within that country. You can drill-down even further into product types and individual product SKUs sold within that country.

Cross-filters applied to an associated scenario on applying drill down will retain the cross-filter for all related scenarios as described in the following example. Column chart displays Revenue by Year and the pivot table shows the Gross profit by Year.

  • When a particular Year is selected from the column chart, the data in the pivot table is filtered for the selected year automatically.

    Keep Filter - Selection Scenario

  • On using the Drill Down feature to drill down to a Quarter in the selected Year, the pivot table will retain the data of cross-filter applied earlier.

    Keep Filter - Cross Filter

While analyzing a scenario through Drill Down, the default behavior is to visualize the list of all available dimensions in the dataset, allowing you to easily navigate the hierarchy. You can change the default drill-down behavior in the data-binding step. While binding the data to the scenario, set the Drill Down mode to Pre-set Targets or Pre-set Path.

Pre-set Targets

This feature allows you to drill-down into the data to a selected target dimension. While creating the scenario, you can select a dimension from the list and drill into it.

  1. From the data binding area, set the Drill Down Mode to Pre-set Targets.

    Setting the drill down mode to Pre-set Targets

  2. Drag the dimensions into the Drill Down Targets area. For example, to enable drill-down into - Product Line, Product Type, and Product, specify these dimensions in the drill-down targets.

    Drag the targeted dimensions

  3. Preview the dashboard and one-by-one, select the targets from the 'Drill Down' option.

    Drilling down to limited target dimensions

Pre-set Path

This feature allows you to drill-down into the dashboard in a defined target sequence or path. While drilling, each click takes you one level deeper in the data according to the pre-set path. It is important to note that the list of dimensions is not shown at any level of data.

  1. From the data binding area, set the Drill Down Mode to Pre-set Path.

    Setting the drill down mode to Pre-set Targets

  2. Drag the dimensions into the Drill Down Path area in the sequence in which you want the drill path to be created. For example, to drill down to the following path, Product Line >> Product Type >> Product, drag these dimensions in this sequence.

    Drag the dimensions into a path

  3. Preview the dashboard and click the 'Drill Down' option. To go one more level deep, again click the 'Drill Down' option. Each time you click Drill Down, you go one level deep according to the path set in the target.

    Drilling down to a specific defined path