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Manage Reports

This page discusses using Wyn restful API through GraphQL query language to work with reports.

Get information on a report

To obtain information on report properties and parameters the list of all the resources available to you, use reportInfo as follows.

Request Example

query {
  reportInfo(reportId: "010a48f3-7e6c-485e-97bb-5df5dbd9fb8e") {
    name, displayType, sizeType, isFPL,
    parameters {
      name, prompt, dataType, selectAllValue,
      allowBlank, nullable, multiValue, multiline,
      hidden, usedInQuery, dependsOn, dateOnly,
      validValues {
        values { label, value }
      defaultValue { values }

Response Example

"data": {
    "reportInfo": {
      "name": "param test",
      "displayType": "Page",
      "sizeType": "Default",
      "isFPL": false,
      "parameters": [
          "name": "Parameter1",
          "validValues": {
            "values": [
                "label": "Param1 label 1",
                "value": "param1value1"
                "label": "Param1 label 2",
                "value": "param1value2"
                "label": "Param1 label 3",
                "value": "param1value3"
          "defaultValue": {
            "values": [

The following table elaborates key attributes available in reportInfo object.




Gets the resource ID or document ID


name of the report


eg. Page


eg. Default, FitToPage


Returns boolen value, whether the report is a fixed page layout


Information on report parameters. The following attributes are available:

  • name - of the parameter

  • prompt - prompt of the parameter

  • dataType - data type of the parameter

  • selectAllValue - value passed in Select All Value property in case of multivalue parameter

  • allowBlank - if allow blank is set

  • nullable - if null value is allowed in parameter

  • multiValue - if the parameter is multivalue

  • multiline - if multi line text is allowed

  • hidden - if the parameter is hidden

Get information on report parameters

To obtain available values for child parameter depending on selected parent parameter values, use reportParameterValues in query as follows.

Request Example

query {
    reportId: "5d6fa0cb92c4090094da243d",
    parameterRequest: {
      request: ["Parameter4"],
      values: [{
        key: "City",
        values: ["London"]
  ) {
        parameters {
      value { validValues { label, value }, values } }

Response Example

  "data": {
    "reportParameterValues": {
      "parameters": [
          "key": "Parameter4",
          "value": {
            "validValues": [
                "label": "Around the Horn",
                "value": "Around the Horn"
                "label": "B's Beverages",
                "value": "B's Beverages"
            "values": [
              "Around the Horn"
  "errors": null

Export a report

To export a report using provided export settings and report parameters, use exportReport in mutation. If there are errors during export result streaming, check export errors after reading result stream, use resultUrl and verificationUrl.

Request Example

mutation {
     reportId: "c788aca9-d72e-4b2d-ab55-167e380b670f",
     exportExtension: "pdf",
     renderPayload: {
     settings: [{
     key: "IsPaginated",
     value: "false"

Response Example

  "data": {
    "exportReport": {
      "resultUrl": "/api/workerJob/b9a39275-fc5a-43cd-9bfc-dd94622f1228",
      "verificationUrl": "/api/workerJob/b9a39275-fc5a-43cd-9bfc-dd94622f1228/verify"
  "errors": null

The following table elaborates key attributes available in exportReport object.




Report ID of the report you want to export


The rendering extension or export type. Acceptable values are: "pdf", "csv", "excel", "docx", "html", "image", and "json".


The information on report parameters.

Render a report

To render or view a report, use the render mutation. The mutation returns job id when the report is rendered, which should be used to obtain document Id or error message. See obtaining Job status in the next section.

Request Example

mutation {
    reportId: "5d6fa0cb92c4090094da243d",
    renderPayload: {
      parameters: [{
        key: "Parameter1", value: "param1value2"
      }, {
        key: "Parameter2", value: "param2value1"
      }, {
        key: "City", value: "London"
      }, {
        key: "Parameter4", value: "Around the Horn"
  ) {

Response Example

  "data": {
    "render": {
      "jobId": "799529e3-0c59-48bc-a97c-8b82cd719efc"
  "errors": null

Job status

To obtain rendering job status - RUNNING, SUCCESS, or ERROR. If a job has completed successfully, documentId field is set to rendered document id, which can be used further for export using exportDocument mutation.

If the job fails, error field contains error message. Note that if a job is running, server will wait for the job to finish for a period of time before answering the client, so there may be delay on server-side.

Request Example

query {
    jobId: "799529e3-0c59-48bc-a97c-8b82cd719efc"
  ) {
    status, documentId, error

Response Example

  "data": {
    "job": {
      "status": "SUCCESS",
      "documentId": "77260328-9ae0-4f41-ad4f-cfb457ab04b7",
      "error": null
  "errors": null

Export a document

To export a rendered document using provided export settings use exportDocument mutation.

Note that the report parameters are closely connected to the rendered document and cannot be changed without calling /render mutation as explained in Render report section.

Returns export result URL and result verification URL

Request Example

mutation {
    documentId: "77260328-9ae0-4f41-ad4f-cfb457ab04b7",
    exportExtension: "pdf",
    renderPayload: {}
  ) {
    resultUrl, verificationUrl

Response Example

  "data": {
    "exportDocument": {
      "resultUrl": "/api/workerJob/a4480e07-9a84-4aa6-adc2-08c498abb86c",
      "verificationUrl": "/api/workerJob/a4480e07-9a84-4aa6-adc2-08c498abb86c/verify"
  "errors": null

Close Document

To remove rendered document from server, use the following mutation.

Request Example

mutation {
    documentId: "26f7f1ad-0536-4a8c-8884-bd43d923b308")

Response Example

  "data": {
    "closeDocument": true
  "errors": null
mutation {
    documentId: "26f7f1ad-0536-4a8c-8884-bd43d923b308")

Response Example

  "data": {
    "closeDocument": true
  "errors": null